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Community Over Competition

Community over competition is such a great motto. I wanted to write a bit about it because working so much in social media I’ve really found it invaluable to take those relationships that are developed online into real life. When you leave your relationships online, you leave so much uncovered. There has never been anything like having a conversation face to face. Even with the ever developing technology I don’t think there will be anything that can replace it.

A great example of taking online community into real life is through the conversations on, Nomad Moda The Podcast. The past few months I’ve had the great privilege of speaking with women across the country about how they built their brands and marketed them. In addition to that, we’ve discussed social media, body image, feminism, art, and so much more. The outreach for creating each episode is not easy. A lot of people say yes, and that they’d love to be on, and I have people who say no or who just ignore the message (people I’ve met in real life). However, the no’s have been worth all the yes’s.

I feel so lucky to be able to chat with these incredibly well spoken and intelligent female figures. I’ve learned so much from everyone that I speak to. Everyone has a story to share and when you give them the time and space to share it’s impressive what can be brought to light. The women on my podcast have been vulnerable, brave, and authentic. I hope you find as much value in their words as I have.

My point is that anyone can bring their online community into real life conversations and engagements. You can start a podcast like I did, or invite someone to coffee or host an event. In a world where so many freelancers work solo, or behind a computer screen and more and more of our time is spent on our phones we should be putting more emphasis on the importance of socializing in real life, on interaction, and dialogue! There is so much insight to gain when you put community over competition.

Comment below to tell me about how you’ve brought your online community into real life!

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