Van Life Dreams
Lately, I’ve been finding myself pinning pictures of Van Life… Van life interiors, beautiful views out of van windows, and the van set up on campgrounds. My desire to travel is immense. This can scare the people I love and that love me. They think I’m leaving them behind too. The truth is, I never do. The friends that have known me for a long time will tell you I’m loyal. They’re welcome to take the journey with me, and regardless of where I go, I always come back… eventually. I often have these notions where I just want to let everything go and get on the road again so to speak. Leave everything behind and just explore the world, because it’s so grand and there is so much to see and learn about. Why stay in one place?
Van life is one plausible way to do that. My cousin has lived the van life while in the Czech Republic. When I visited her in 2017 I stayed in the van. I have friends in Vegas that are planning to do it in 2020 and travel to Hawaii, Australia, and New Zealand. My sister and her husband have done it before and she reached out to me yesterday with a craigslist link to a Dodge Sprinter that they’re thinking about purchasing to make their mobile home once again. She said “Is this a good idea?” I researched a little on Kelley Blue Book, went on Reddit feeds, and then started pinning. Van life doesn’t seem like such a bad idea for a little while. There are so many national parks that you can visit just in the USA. There is also the possibility of shipping the van overseas.
The pros are: you get to explore the world from the comfort of your own home (while living outside your comfort zone). You don’t have to pay rent. The cons are: where would my closet go? and if Jay and I went into van life together I’m not sure if both of us would make it back out alive.
Am I crazy? Have you done van life? What do you think about it? Tell me your thoughts below!
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