Blog post

Find the Flow

This is what I wore on Friday for a meeting at a modeling agency and running some other errands around town. I haven’t been feeling top notch this week. You know those days/weeks where you just feel extracted from your element and flow? I have this theory that when you’re not feeling well you should try your best to look fly.

It works for me anyway, it lifts my mood. That and tea, lots of tea! This week has been a long one, but Sunday is my favorite day of the week. Today I’m just chilling, decompressing, catching up a bit, and doing the creative personal projects that I haven’t had time to do during the week. I’ve been reminded recently how important it is to do those little things that make me feel good, like yoga, chilling in the hammock, reading, etc. I’m finding my flow again. When you’re feeling “off” what activities do you do to get back in your groove?

I’m also preparing for a trip to L.A. I’ll be there with a spectacular MUA from the 10th-20th. We’re excited and ready to get creative! I have booked a couple shoots already. If you’d like to work together please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re both friendly and would love to work with you! Pitch us your ideas. As always be sure to check out my photography portfolio website.


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