• Thrift Flip – DIY Skirt from Goodwill!

    I created a DIY skirt! It’s so much fun doing these types of projects. I know I’ve mentioned this before on the blog. When I was younger my mother always encouraged me and my siblings to be creative. I have her to thank because she never let us just stew in front of the T.V. […]

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    February 29, 2020 By Deena Danielle
  • Why It’s Important to See Unretouched Imagery

    I’ve been speaking with a lot of women on my podcast about body image and what they would say to someone who is struggling with it. I think that Photoshop plays a huge role in how women view themselves. As a former photographer and retoucher I know that A LOT goes into creating beauty images. […]

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    February 27, 2020 By Deena Danielle
  • What To Do in Mammoth, CA

    I was just in Mammoth Mountain last week. I’d been wanting to go for a few years (basically the entire time I’ve lived in Los Angeles haha). Jay and I went for two days. He snowboarded. I thought about it… I haven’t been in almost 10 years though and didn’t want to take the risk. […]

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    February 19, 2020 By Deena Danielle
  • The Power of Pinterest Group Boards

    I’m here to up your blogging game once again! The power of Pinterest and Pinterest group boards in unreal! I recently talked about why you should Start a Youtube Channel in 2020. Don’t snooze on other social media apps. They can help you reach different audiences and grow your brand across social media platforms. Additionally, my […]

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    February 4, 2020 By Deena Danielle
  • Start a YouTube channel in 2020 – It’s Not Too Late

    There are so many reasons why it’s a good idea for you to start a YouTube channel now in 2020 for your brand or business. I recently started my Youtube channel. It’s been growing slowly and steadily and it’s something that I’ve really enjoyed working on. As I see it, here are the top reasons […]

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    January 19, 2020 By Deena Danielle
  • Affiliate Marketing Secrets Revealed – Up Your Blogging Game

    I’m here to reveal blogger affiliate marketing secrets. If you want to be a successful blogger there is one key tool you need to know about. It’s affiliate marketing. Why is affiliate marketing important? It provides supplemental passive income! That means that once you embed the link there’s nothing more you have to do other […]

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    January 16, 2020 By Deena Danielle
  • How to Style Prints in Winter 2020

    Leopard There are so many great ways to style prints in winter 2020. When you think of leopard print is it usually summer or winter months that come to mind? Generally, I think of cooler weather because I used to own a faux fur leopard print coat when I was in college. But, leopard print […]

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    January 11, 2020 By Deena Danielle
  • 5 Winter Fashion Trends You Need This Season

    Winter fashion trends can be so much fun! Although I don’t enjoy winter weather too much the cooler months are my favorite seasons to dress for. I feel like it’s so much easier to be comfortable in what you’re wearing. Long cozy fabrics and layering pieces are some of my favorite ways to put winter […]

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    January 2, 2020 By Deena Danielle
  • Why a Blazer is the Perfect Holiday Party Fit

    Blazer Psychology Personally I love wearing blazers. If it’s a jacket or a blazer dress I always feel instantly more put together. It makes me feel more sophisticated and mature. Blazers are also very versatile, which makes me appreciate them more. They’re great for the day, for interviews or meetings. A blazer can be worn […]

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    December 23, 2019 By Deena Danielle
  • The Ultimate Gift Guide

    Fear not, the ultimate gift guide has arrived! The holidays are right around the corner! Are you ready? I always get my gifts last minute if I get them at all. It’s a horrible habit. I swear, I try to plan all of this ahead and take advantage of Black Friday deals but honestly, it […]

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    December 15, 2019 By Deena Danielle