Unboxing with Fab Fit Fun
I’ve always been curious about the well known brand Fab Fit Fun. They provide a service where you receive a quarterly box filled with amazing beauty products and more! Each…
Tips to Prevent Sickness While Traveling
I arrived back from Iowa yesterday. Recently I’ve been getting sick quite frequently while traveling. Getting sick while on a trip is such a bummer! Especially when it’s a short…
Iowa – Taking Him Home
Family We were just in Iowa for a few days. Jay and I that is. It was the first time that I took him back home, well the first time…
How to Create High Quality Instagram Content
There are two components to creating successful Instagram content as a blogger. They are imagery and text. One of the best things to take into consideration when creating Instagram imagery…
How to use Planoly for Instagram
Today I’m sharing how to use Planoly for Instagram! It is the most essential Instagram planning tool. If you haven’t already heard of Planoly, it will change your life! Planoly…
Brewery Art Walk – Los Angeles
The Brewery Art Walk happens twice a year in Los Angeles. It’s in April and October. We were just there last weekend. The art brewery area is the largest neighborhood of…
Spring Cleaning with Poshmark
I’m sorry Momma, I’m cleaning out my closet! Spring is the perfect time to start clearing out the clutter in your life. We all accumulate it. Often times we don’t…
Forming Personal Style
The Ever so “Stylish” Beginning I’d like to tell you about my personal style journey. For that, we have to go way back. We all have some embarrassing photos from…
A Spring Wedding in St. Augustine, Florida
About St. Augustine We just returned from a week long trip in South Florida. We landed in Fort Lauderdale, spent one day and then headed up to St. Augustine. I’d…